addspam(1) Expaminator addspam(1) NAME addspam SYNOPSIS add_spam [-v] [-d] [-m] [-c config-file] dir... DESCRIPTION addspam adds newly received spam to the spam-hash and probability-hash. This is useful to track new spam and recent mutations to old spam. This involves much less CPU time than running 'make_new_database', but should not entirely replace use of it. Command-line options: -v be verbose; print a dot for every message file pro cessed. -d write debugging messages (name each directory & file processed) -m assume all email files are sendmail and "mail" utility 'mbox' format. (These may contain multiple messages, each starting with a "From " line) -c config-file : The configuration file to use; if omit ted, the environment variable "SPAMCONFIG" is used. dir... list of directories containing email files; each directory is processed recursively. ENVIRONMENT $SPAMDIR, as discussed above. FILES Required: at least one directory containing spam mes sages. Any text file within the directory will be pro cessed. SEE ALSO make_new_database, create_probability_hash, cre ate_word_hash COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2002, J.B.Ward <> Expaminator Nov.29,2002 addspam(1)