grade(1) Expaminator grade(1) NAME grade SYNOPSIS grade [-d] [-r] [-p probability-hash] message... DESCRIPTION "Grade" email messages as to how much they look like spam. This permits experimentation with various parameters to fine-tune the filters. Command-line options: -d -- write debugging messages. -r -- process directories recursively. -p probability-hash -- The hash-file containing word probĀ abilities, produced by program 'create_probabilĀ ity_hash'. if not specified, the variable '$PROBABILĀ ITY_HASH' is used. message... a list of e-mail messages to be 'graded'. If 'message' is a text file, the file will be graded; if 'message' is a directory, all text files in that directory will be graded. Non-text files will be skipped. FILES Required: a prbability hash. COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2002, J.B.Ward <> Expaminator Nov.29,2002 grade(1)