peekhash(1) Expaminator peekhash(1) NAME peekhash SYNOPSIS peekhash [-f] hashfile list... DESCRIPTION Examine any of the Expaminator hashes for specific entries. Command-line options: -f If specified, interpret 'list...' to be a list of files to be read for hash keys. hashfile - the hash to be inspected. If 'hashfile' is a bare file name, then the environment variable '$SPAMDIR' will be prepended. If '$SPAMDIR' is not set, the current working directory is used. list... a list of words to be looked up in the hash ENVIRONMENT $SPAMDIR, as discussed above. FILES Required: any existing hash. COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2002, J.B.Ward <> Expaminator Nov.29,2002 peekhash(1)