shovelmail(1) Expaminator shovelmail(1) NAME shovelmail SYNOPSIS shovelmail [-d] [-n number-of-children] [-r] [-w secs] \ -s server[:port] -t to -f from message... DESCRIPTION "Shovel" text files into an SMTP server. Useful for load testing, or just seeing if everything works as expected. Command-line options: -d write debugging messages. -n fork up to 'n' children to deliver messages in paralĀ lel -r process directories recursively. -s name or IP address of the SMTP server. If 'port' is omitted, 25 (SMTP) is assumed. -t 'To' email-address. -f 'From' email-address. -w Wait for 'secs' seconds between messages. message... a list of e-mail messages to be sent to the server. If 'message' is a text file, the file will be sent; if 'message' is a directory, all text files in that directory will be sent. Non-text files will be skipped. COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2002, J.B.Ward <> Expaminator Nov.29,2002 shovelmail(1)