tidy_up(1) Expaminator tidy_up(1) NAME tidy_up SYNOPSIS tidy_up [-r] [-v] [-t] [-p probability_hash] directory... DESCRIPTION Clean up a list of directories containing email. Spam will be either moves to a specified directory, or deleted. Command-line options: -r process directories recursively. -v be verbose; echo name of each spam deleted or thrown in garbage. -t "testing" mode; don't actually do anything with the spam; just print messages as if '-v' had been set.' -n do 'negative' test reporting; act as if '-t' is set, but report only non-spam files. -X DELETE spams, rather than move them to the garbage directory. -p probability-hash - The hash-file containing word probĀ abilities, produced by program 'create_probabilĀ ity_hash'. If not specified, the variable '$PROBABILĀ ITY_HASH' is used. directory... the list of directories to de-spam. ENVIRONMENT Required: a probability hash. ENVIRONMENT $GARBAGE holds the directory into which spam will be thrown. COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2002, J.B.Ward <bward2@users.sourceforge.net> Expaminator Nov.29,2002 tidy_up(1)